
            Everyone has there own way to do his or her homework. I’m sadly a procrastinator when it comes to homework. I also like to work on art homework at night I feel more inspired at night. I feel like my studying habits have changed since the first year I started college. I rarely procrastinated and I used to do homework during the day with zero background noises. Now I need background noise to do any kind of homework. I like to listen to music and have a TV show playing in the background. I like watching “The Golden Girls” TV show because the show is about three older ladies that stay up late eating and talking. It’s like they are staying up with me while I pull an all-nighter for a class assignment. I enjoy also listening to rock music while I study. My favorite band to listen to is “The Beatles”. I also need all my lights on in my room to do homework. Caffeine and coffee are also very important to have during an all-nighter working on art homework. Homework and studying in college is very important. It’s good to find ways that makes studying easier so you can get all your homework done. It’s hard to do your best work if you don’t have the motivation and inspiration to do so. I have studying habits so I can do my best work. I’m trying my hardest to do my art homework on time and give it my all. 

Burning House

Name: Sara Rietman
Location: Highland Heights, Kentucky
Occupation: Visual Communication Student
Canon Bag
Stuffed Animal
My Little Sunshine