Interview with Maggie

1.) What do you do to procrastinate? 

I like to snapchat, eat food, watch tv, and mostly anything but homework. 

2.) If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

I would one day like to go to Alaska.

3.) What is your favorite social media platform? Why?

I enjoy Instagram more, because I like to look at pictures more than Facebook posts.

4.) What TV shows are watching right now?

My favorite show right now is "How To Get Away With Murder".

5.) What is your favorite music to listen to while making work?

While doing homework I like to listen to alternative rock music. 

6.) Where are you from? What got you here at NKU?

I am from Northern Kentucky, and I am attending Northern Kentucky University because it's close to home.

7.) What is the most important thing to remember about being an artist? 

Not everyone will like your art work. Never let that bother you.